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Tag: PHP

All articles tagged with PHP.

Deploying PHP applications with RunCloud on UpCloud

My first post of 2019 is a tutorial that’s all about the cloud.

I’m going to show you how to deploy a PHP application with a MySQL database on a cloud server from UpCloud. I’ll be using the brilliant RunCloud control panel to deploy my PHP photo gallery – Blue Twilight – to an UpCloud server.

My friends over at UpCloud have provided an awesome promo-code for free credit to try out their service. Details at the end of the article.

Software Development , DevOps Read more →

Install a LAMP stack (Apache, MariaDB, PHP) on Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server is a Linux distribution that is ideally suited to server workloads. For example: hosting websites and web applications.

One of the annoying things I find about some Linux distributions (Ubuntu included) is that packages are “frozen in time” through the life of a release. For example, Ubuntu 16.04 was released with PHP 7.0. However PHP 7.2 is now the latest release. Vendors typically apply security fixes to their packages, but you’re still missing out on new features.

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Simply Remind Me: my first SaaS application

It’s rare for commercial software developers, such as myself, to get to use the software we write. We rely on our users to report problems or suggest new features for the applications we develop.

It’s also difficult to try out new technologies or methodologies without having a “real” application to build or experiment on.

Just lately in my life, the days seem to rush by. So much so that important dates come and go without me even realising it. Important dates such as my car MOT’s renewal date!

Software Development , Simply Remind Me Read more →

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