Tag: Linux

  • The Great Big Cloud Hosting Speed Test 2017

    2017 was an exciting year for the bigger players in the cloud hosting arena.

    With all these improvements in cloud hosting, I thought it would be interesting to focus on a key metric of hosting providers that many overlook: network speed.

    Most modern cloud hosting providers give your dedicated server or VPS a 100Mbps or 1Gbps network connection. But how close can you actually get to that speed?

    DevOps , Reflections Read more

  • Server maintenance – 1st/2nd November

    My hosting company, Memset Ltd., have advised me they will be performing important maintenance work on their Miniserver platform.

    It is taking place between 22:00 GMT on 1st November and 04:00 GMT on 2nd November. My server will be down for 15-30 minutes during this period.

    Read more about what this maintenance involves in this article.

    DevOps , Reflections Read more

  • Linode: Why I chose them to host my website and applications

    This post explains why I chose Linode to host my new website (this one) and other web applications I use in my day-to-day work – and why I’d fully recommend them to anyone who needs a virtual server (VPS.)

    DevOps , Reflections Read more