Month: October 2018

  • Variable declaration can be inlined – C#

    It’s almost two years since I published the post on the Visual Studio IDE information message: “delegate invocation can be simplified.”

    While reviewing some error messages in a new MVC project, I recently learnt something equally as simple and eye-opening.

    DevOps , Reflections Read more

  • Website maintenance: 16/17th October

    My new hosting provider (blog post on that coming soon!) has notified me of 2 maintenance windows next week:

    • 16th October, 22:00 – 02:00
    • 17th October, 00:00 – 00:30

    The first window specifically targets the VPS platform, and will see my server powered down and migrated to new infrastructure.

    The second window will see an upgrade to the core network adding additional capacity and DDOS protection.

    DevOps , Reflections Read more