4. Find your country in It’s a Small World
It’s a Small World is one of those rides that you wouldn’t rush to get on, but you’d miss it if you didn’t.
If it’s a hot day, it’s a pleasant, air-conditioned ride to cool down on. If there’s a typical Florida monsoon going on, it’s a good excuse to get out of the rain.
As you float around the “world”, see if you can find the little singing people that represent your own country.
And I dare you to try and not get the song stuck in your head for the rest of the day!
It’s a small world after all, it’s a… oh, too late.
3. Get a SunPass and go driving around Florida State
This is both a “to do” item and some practical advice in one.
Most rental companies equip their vehicles with a SunPass – an electronic toll tag, much like the M6 Toll tags.
When you’ve left the airport on your arrival day and are heading to Disneyyour hotel/resort, it’s dark and stormy, the last thing you want is to be ferreting around for 75c change for an un-manned toll both. Trust me – I’ve been there. It’s stressful.
If you’re flying into Sanford (SFB) it’s around $7 in toll charges to get to Orlando – charged in 75c, $1, $1.50 or $1.75 at numerous toll stations along the way. Unless you’ve bought along a stack of quarters from your last visit, it’s doubtful you’ll have change with your fresh, crisp notes from your travel agent or bank.
A SunPass means you can drive through any toll station without even slowing down, and pick up the tab with your rental company after your holiday.
These tags usually cost a daily fee from the first time you use it until the end of your rental. So why not get your money’s worth and go explore the State? Jump onto the Florida Turnpike and head to the beach!
You’ll usually find a SunPass fixed to your car’s windscreen underneath the mirror. It’s a grey, bulky box with a lever on it. If you want to use it, you’ll have to pull or push the lever to the ON or green position.
2. Find the Disney Ears pylon
The Disney Ears pylon (or Mickey pylon) is an electricity pylon situated just off the I-4 near exit 62. It feeds the Osceola substation that powers Disney World.
From the Disney exits on I-4 (around exit 67,) head towards Tampa and look out for the pylon as you approach exit 62. It’s not far from the highway and in an open space, so you won’t miss it!
The Disney Ears (or Mickey Ears) pylon provides power for the Disney World resort.
On the final page, we’ll see my number one thing to do in Florida. Hint: it has a lot to do with food and wine!